Hello Seb, Thanks for your newsletter. Was good to hear from you and find out a bit about what you’ve been up to, so long after I came down to visit. See, I came to you as a hetero young man who wanted to experience anal stimulation. You did a very good job, opening me up; introduced me to your pantra, and at the same time convinced me that getting turned on by anal stimulation was nothing to be ashamed of as a hetero man. All that was brilliant and I thank you again for being you and making it all such a wonderful, relaxing, normal, experience! Now I am in the situation where I am meeting a female-acquaintance-kind-of-girlfriend next week for a night of fun… she is travelling down from Wales and has invited me to her hotel room. What normally happens is that we grab each other and get down to it, without actually taking the shy long drawn out get to know you foreplay steps that maybe we used to do first. However I want to take things more slowly, show her that I am making love rather than just into shagging her brains out and, well, I was intrigued by your article on female vaginal massage. It is true that we miss out sensual touching like that in our lovemaking – if she’s not wet enough I’ll get on down there moisten her up, lick like a mad until I reckon she’s about to come then we get down to it. Whereas what we could be doing is just touching, caressing, slowly building up to something..fantastic…So what am I saying? I guess I’m saying thanks for the advice, both when we met and via your articles on your site. Thanks for the original meet – aforementioned girl is cumming around to the idea of stimulating me anally, like you did, which is kinda ironic after I used my experience with you to introduce her to anal sex for the first time! But most importantly I am saying good luck and aw ra best, til we meet again!! Cheers for keeping me on your email list. We met just once, and I doubt you would remember me without photo or another face to face meet but rest assured I havent forgotten you, or the things you showed me when I came around, Regards, Simon, 26