Unique Male Massages

What makes my erotic male massage in London Unique? I am actually in London, EC1 Celebrate the erotic power of masculinity through male massage and […]

Tantric Masseur Training 22/03

Dear Seb – So many thanks from me and my happy cock for the yesterday’s wonderful class on tantric lingam massage. This was a great […]

The Sacred Intimacy

I have been surfing your site for a while and it speaks loads to me. Your whole approach to sex, body, spirit and most of […]

Gay Tantra My Arse!

For me gay tantra london is a dream, in which what I want to happen, happens… This sensual dream has brought two things to my […]

Loved Tantric Massage

Hello Seb, I am interested in your workshop on the 20th January. I read the description, and I was wondering if it is only penis […]

gay bi or str8 ?

If anyone has the bollox to ask me about my sexuality, I always reply that the only thing they need to know about my sexuality […]

tantric massage training Mumbai, India

Hi there, Do u have any contact in Mumbai, India who can provide me tantric massage training or can provide me tantric massage. Thanks, hello, these […]

Karsai Nei Tsang Workshop

Karsai Nei Tsang Massage Workshop for Men, Sunday, December 20, 2015, 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Private location in Central London. Donation £33. An invitation […]