When you first discovered your interest in sensual massage, you also discovered that the best therapists for this kind of massage are mature gay men. You went to see several who, unfortunately, tried to initiate a sexual encounter. So, this is it. I will massage you, without actually pushing the session towards sexual interaction. You really need this kind of touch and you can relax on my massage table and let go. You will be able to relax with the knowledge that, even if the kind of massage I perform on you is an intimate kind of massage, touching you and even your genitals and eventually bringing you to climax, you can be sure that I won’t try to have sex with you. Mr Cox is a mature masseur with more than 30 years experience offering Gay Massage 4 Straight men in Central London. Indulge yourself with the most experienced masseur in London. I work independently and alone. Bisexual, straight and gay men welcome. Available Tuesday – Friday from 11 AM. Please book your massage celebration at least 24 hours in advance. Email : sebcox@hotmail.co.uk
In relation to gay massage being good for straight men, I would say it depends on who is giving the massage and their intention. So it’s all about finding the right masseur for you. You need to find a masseur who will massage you, without actually pushing the session towards sexual interaction. All men need this kind of touch and if you find the right masseur you will be able to relax and let go in the knowledge that, even if the kind of massage that is performed on you is an intimate kind of massage, touching you and even your genitals and eventually bringing you to climax, you need to be sure that the gay masseur doesn’t try to have sex with you.