Tuesday – Friday from 10.30 AM. Please book 24 hours in advance. Email : sebcox@hotmail.co.uk
MAR Lá fhéile pádraig sona daoibh
In ancient Gaelic tradition warriors would massage each other’s “buddy” to prepare for battle. In the 5th Century St Patrick came to Ireland and soon put a stop to all that “tantrick carry on”.
Buddy is another Irish Gaelic word, which comes from the Irish expression, a vuddy, or a bhodaigh, which means something like “best buddy.” The root of the word bhodaigh is strangely, bod, which is the Irish word for penis, and pronounced like bud. In ancient Celtic traditions a man’s cock is believed to be a form of life force energy. When activated and awakened it can potentially facilitate healing, reduce stress, vitalise and restore balance in a synergistic way.
Inspirational Celtic Tantra Touch & Male Massage Men in London. My pioneering Celtic Tantra massage celebration recharges your sexual energy, awakens your creativity and infuses your life with inspiration. Slow masculine magick.